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For dem der ønsker at være en del af processen. Dybt fokus på sport, fra skadet til bedre end før, og også som en fysiocoach på rejsen. Arbejder professionelt med stress angst og sensorisk profilering. ITCA og IRONMAN coach. Pose running technique specialist. Retül bikefitting. Atleter fra sofaen til 5K, Marathon, IRONMAN, ACR, La Marmotte. Fra skadeoverskud til fremskridt. Medbring din drøm og få en professionel til at skitsere rejsen for dig.
For those who want to be part of the process. Deep focus on sport, from injured to better than before, and as a physiocoach along the journey. Works professionally with stress, anxiety and sensory profiling. ITCA and IRONMAN coach. Pose running technique specialist. RetĂĽl bikefitting. Athletes from couch to 5K, Marathon, IRONMAN, ACR, La Marmotte. From injuryprone to progressprone. Bring your dream and have a professional line your journey out for you.
What are we really good at
Our approach to physiotherapy is a holistic approach to you. Everything around you, what your goals are and how we can help you reach them. We work both with body and mind, and so should you. The human body is amazing.
It can stand on its own, or follow along with depression, stress and numerous other psychiatric diagnosis. Learning about what it is, and why you feel the sensations in your body and learning tools to take control is what we spend the first session doing
Manual therapy
Working with your hands is a unique craft, and knowing every muscle in the body and how they work together is the dedicated physiotherapist trademark. We love working with our hands, both as treatment and as massage.
From beginner to advanced, from climbers to runners everything from running the first 5K to completing IRONMAN’s, marathons, worlds hardest cross country ski race, climbing stronger, cycling La Marmotte, learning crawl technique. Say hello to your coach today.
Body awareness
Mind and body needs to be in balance. Working with Body Awareness Therapy based on the work of Jacques Dropsy you will achieve a closeness and relation to yourself that will help you in all aspects of your life and in relations.
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to have a physio drop by your offices weekly to help with what were good at. We meet up and discuss how we can create a package that suits you and your employees the best. We would love to help you out making a better workplace.