Physios passionate about climbing, leads to physios passionate about coaching climbers and treating climbing injuries.
Malik Lynge Reiding
Authorised Physiotherapist
Owner Free Spirit Physiotherapy
Physiotherapist Malik Reiding have been climbing and treating climbing injuries for years. Its a sport heavy on specific knowledge, and needs a good understanding of the sport to best guide atheletes thru injuries. Often we can still get results even during times a injury simply by shifting focus to areas that can be training or worked on during rehab. We want you to understand your body and your injuries, everything we work on, we want you to understand. This will make you a better athlete, and leave you better prepared to work around many issues that you run into.
Serious athletes embrace visiting the physio on a steady frequency to allow the physio to better get to know the athletes and their bodies. While stretching out or relaxing sore muscles minor issues are discovered early, and a path for dealing with it i discussed with our athletes.
We go thru all the relevant ROM (range of motion) to scan the body for potential issues. A scientific approach is the foundation of all work we do, this is paired with our understanding of you, to best offer advice on where to move next.
We are passionate about manual work, and are proud about what we can “see” with our hands. Some call it massages but for us its more than that. Its manual techniques where we release tension, and discover how your body is responding your your input. These session also lets us chat with you, and better follow along on your jourey.
We have our basic, but very good trainingplan “OPDRIFT” while basic, its good enough that even 7B climbers are using it. We will make you personalized plans if needed to fit your daily life, but most of all we would like you to learn how to make your own trainingplans and have us on the sidelines of that for guidance.